Chinese Medicine
Chinese medicine is based on the concepts of balance, harmony, and energy (qi). When we are balanced and our qi is flowing freely, we feel healthy and well. When we are imbalanced and our qi is stagnant or undernourished, we will feel less than optimal. For example, headaches, fatigue, insomnia, and pain are all signs of imbalances. Acupuncture prompts your body’s intelligence to restore balance and wellness.
Acupuncture is the insertion of fine needles into specific points along channels just under the skin. This restores the flow of qi throughout the body. Acupuncture releases blockages, improves circulation, decreases pain, reduces inflammation, and balance the body’s chemistry to promote healing.
Acupuncture needles are very fine, sterile, disposable, and FDA approved. They bear no resemblance to the needles used when receiving an injection. Most patients find acupuncture treatments relaxing and profoundly healing.
“Sharon is a unique and wonderful acupuncturist. In addition to her skilled presence and humor, she offers 5 star hands on work. My body presents a complex picture, and Sharon listens and addresses current symptoms in addition to treating the underlying condition. With a wide base of knowledge and tools, Sharon helped me move through multiple injuries from an auto accident and a chronic autoimmune condition and and put me back on the road to health. I trust her skill and highly recommend her!” – S.F., Healing Arts Practitioner