What can acupuncture treat?

Acupuncture can treat headaches, migraines, TMJ, PMS, painful menstruation, endometriosis, PCOS, fibroid tumors, infertility and subfertility, recurrent miscarriages, body pain, scar tissue, gout, plantar fasciitis, bell’s palsy, whiplash, post-operative pain, sprains and strains, digestive issues, IBS, dermatological conditions, weight management, smoking cessation, detox, hypertension, prostate problems, fatigue, asthma, arthritis, allergies, auto-immune diseases, stress, nausea, anxiety, depression, colds, chronic bladder and vaginal infections, menopausal symptoms, morning sickness, postpartum depression, and more…

Is acupuncture safe?

When performed by a fully trained, licensed professional, acupuncture is extremely safe. All acupuncturists in the United States study for thousands of hours including over 600 hours of supervised clinical training, and have to pass various board examinations. All licensed acupuncturists today use individually packaged, sterile, disposable needles so there is virtually no chance of infection or contagion.

What does acupuncture feel like?

Acupuncture is non-invasive and is normally a gentle treatment. It is nothing like receiving an ordinary injection, as the needles I use are as thin as a cat’s whisker. In some cases, you will not even know the needles are in place. In sensitive areas, you may feel a slight pricking sensation when the needle is inserted. Sometimes there may be some tingling, warmth, heaviness, or a feeling of the qi moving up and down the channels. Most people find acupuncture relaxing, and many fall asleep during treatment. Some even feel a sense of euphoria during and after treatment.

How many treatments will I need?

Treatment plans are individual and are often influenced by factors like the depth of disease (chronic vs. acute). In general, patients should be seen at least once a week until a solid foundation of health is created. Some people experience the effects of acupuncture right away; for others, effects may not be experienced for a day or two. To help reduce the number of treatments, I may suggest dietary modifications, specific exercise regimens, relaxation techniques, self-massage, and/or chinese herbal medicines, which may help to increase the efficacy of acupuncture.

Does insurance cover acupuncture?

Some insurance companies do cover acupuncture treatments. They may cover a set number of visits or a percentage of the cost per visit. Some plans reimburse for a set number of visits. I recommend that people call member services for their insurance company since every policy differs in their coverage of services. For instance, some BCBS of MA plans cover acupuncture while others do not. The same is true for most insurance plans. Receipts for potential insurance reimbursement and also for flex spending accounts will be provided upon request. In the case of injuries due to auto accidents, auto insurance will generally cover a certain number of treatments. Please inquire with your insurance company about your specific policy’s coverage.

Health Concerns

More Americans are turning to acupuncture for whole body health and wellness. It is the fastest growing healthcare system in the world today as it’s an effective and low-risk method of treating acute and chronic conditions. Acupuncture can provide relief for a myriad of health concerns.


Acupuncture reduces stomach pain, optimizes digestion, and normalizes elimination of the bowels.

Emotional Wellness

Acupuncture benefits mental and emotional functioning. It alleviates depression, anxiety, and balances mood. Brain scans show that acupuncture calms the limbic system, which controls your body’s “fight or flight” response.

Acute Pain

Studies demonstrate that acupuncture is effective in treating acute pain as well as sports injuries. It reduces inflammation, increases strength, improves range of motion, increases flexibility, stimulates tissue repair, and stimulates tissue repair. Also, acupuncture can break down old scar tissue and reduce adhesions.

Chronic Pain

According to the National Institute of Health, studies show that acupuncture alleviates chronic pain. This includes back, neck, osteoarthritis/knee pain, and headaches.


Studies show that acupuncture reduces the incidence and severity of headaches and can prevent migraines.

Recovering from Surgery

Acupuncture is effective in reducing pain and speeding recovery.

Menstrual Issues

Acupuncture helps to regulate cycles, alleviate cramps, PMS, mood fluctuations, headaches, and other pain often associated with menstruation.


A combination of acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine greatly reduces the size of uterine fibroids.

Menopause & Perimenopause

Acupuncture is effective for treating hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, anxiety, heart palpitations, and vaginal dryness.


Acupuncture increases success rates of IVF. When used as a treatment for infertility, acupuncture can boost blood flow to the reproductive organs, balance hormones, and relieve stress. In addition, studies show that acupuncture increases success rates of IVF.

Pregnancy and Postpartum

Acupuncture can support pregnant women in all trimesters. It reduces morning sickness and relieves lower back and pelvic discomfort often associated with pregnancy. Postpartum, acupuncture can help lift the baby blues and postpartum depression, increase milk supply, and speed recovery from cesarean section.


Several studies show that acupuncture is effective for improving sleep quality and duration.

Side effects from chemotherapy and other cancer drugs

Acupuncture can reduce side effects from chemotherapy or other cancer drugs. It helps relieve fatigue, hot flashes, nausea and vomiting, less pain. Also, acupuncture can be helpful for alleviating diarrhea and peripheral neuropathy.

Bell’s Palsy

Acupuncture reverses facial paralysis due to Bell’s Palsy. Studies showed that treated in the acute stage, led to complete facial muscle recovery at 6 months in almost 90% of patients.

And, much more….

“I have been treated by Sharon for several years now. She is a highly skilled practitioner. She approaches her work with a great balance between the practical and intuitive, and offers acupuncture and hands-on bodywork to address issues. I always feel calm, safe and cared for when I’m in her peaceful treatment rooms, and I leave with a greater sense of well-being. Highly recommend!” – M.M., Musician